Staff could easily manipulate their clock-in and clock-out records when using punchcards
Better control of overtime due to the auto-clock out feature

Petron Grandsaga is a chain of 2 petrol stations located in the Kajang suburbs of Selangor, Malaysia. Each petrol station runs for 24-hours and provides both convenience mart items and fuel services. Started by Hafiezy and his wife in 2014, from one station and has grown to two ever since.
Petron Grandsaga is a chain of petrol stations located in the Kajang suburbs of Selangor, Malaysia. Each petrol station runs for 24-hours and provides both convenience mart items and fuel services. Started by Hafiezy and his wife in 2014, from one station and has grown to two ever since.

The Challenge
Petron Grandsaga had been using punch cards for the longest time. 5 years in, everyone was getting used to it! But there was clearly a problem with punch cards – staff could easily manipulate their clock records, OT when it was not required and managers were unable to monitor it accurately. Unfortunately, the management would also find that some staff were working OT when there was no such need: there were either sufficient staff, or the station was not actually busy! Due to such behaviour, they had to conduct random CCTV checks.
Besides time-theft, staff spent too much time on month end calculations. That’s when Hafiezy realised punch cards were not dynamic enough; it was time to venture into technology!
The Solution
Petron Grandsaga first looked into generic schedule solutions but most were too technical and/or expensive. Many other existing HR solutions also focused on day to day 9-5 kind of operations which don’t meet our requirements.
We like StaffAny for the fact that they give a lot of attention to shifts and is robust enough to handle our requirements. It suits us very well!
Life With StaffAny
We’re on top of the game in terms of scheduling. It’s easy to schedule. Previously we were also worried our staff will be late, or they will forget about how long their break is, or their shift timings. It’s such a relief we have a “digital HR” now to communicate with and remind our staff!
We’re also able to control our OT much better. With StaffAny, we can auto clock-out our staff, and every time they need to OT, they have to justify it on a daily basis. We can now choose to accept it or not based on their justification! We estimate that for 30 staff, this saves us about RM 500-1000 per month!
Besides this, we also free up 4 days per month. Previously we were wasting a lot of time counting hours and converting those hours to salary: 5 days to be exact. Now, it’s just 1 day.
We also don’t need to buy punch cards (30-40 RM/ month) and maintain it. In terms of both transparency and staff efficiency, it’s much better.

Favourite Part of StaffAny
“I was so impressed that StaffAny makes an effort to maintain communication with us, especially at the beginning during the transition (since everyone was so used to punch cards!) The team is so flexible in answering our questions – even simple and stupid ones. As a business owner, promptness and flexibility is really important to me. Approaching the support team after working hours or on weekends, they are still able to reply promptly. Their flexibility amazes me.
I also love that StaffAny keeps innovating and moving. Like the recent integration with MySejahtera which I think is a great feature! It shows that the team is dynamic and they make an effort to change and improvise. Lots of apps are stagnant and don’t improvise, we don’t want to feel outdated and have to change to something else eventually.”

Many HR solutions created for the 9-5 office working environment don’t meet our requirements. We’re front liners and require a system that understands shift work. StaffAny is what we were looking for!
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