How to Reduce Restaurant Employee Turnover and Make Staff Happy in Singapore

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, How to Reduce Restaurant Employee Turnover and Make Staff Happy in Singapore

Lurking behind Singapore’s vibrant food scene, employee turnover and staff happiness challenges loom like a shadow over restaurant owners. 

Long hours, tough competition, and not feeling appreciated can make employees feel burnt out and ready to leave. When employees leave, restaurant owners must keep hiring and training new people, which takes time and costs money. 

But why do staff leave, and what can we, as owners, do about it?

Why Do Employees Leave?

Employees leave their jobs for several reasons, but in the food and beverage (F&B) industry, if they feel their hard work is not noticed or valued, they are more likely to look for a new job. Long working hours and a stressful environment can also make people want to leave. 

High turnover, which means employees frequently leaving and being replaced, can be very costly. It affects the restaurant’s daily running and makes it hard to build a robust and reliable team.

In the past, restaurants often used money to try to keep employees motivated. Bonuses, pay raises, and other financial rewards have been used to encourage staff to stay. While these methods can help, they only sometimes fix the deeper problems that cause employees to be unhappy. Simply giving more money might not solve issues like feeling unappreciated or overworked.

Creating a Positive Work Culture to Reduce Staff Turnover

A better way to reduce turnover is to create a positive work culture. This means making sure employees feel valued, recognized, and part of a team. When employees feel good about their work environment, they are more likely to stay. However, building a supportive work culture can be hard, especially for small and medium-sized restaurants that might not have a lot of resources.

A positive work culture includes showing appreciation for hard work, offering support, and creating a friendly environment, among other initiatives. It’s about ensuring employees feel important and that their efforts are noticed.

Ideas from Business Leaders

At a recent StaffAny Leaders Lounge event, restaurant owners shared their ideas on how to improve staff happiness and reduce turnover. One idea that came up was organizing company trips. These are outings where the staff can go to a fun place together, like a beach resort.

These trips allow employees to relax and have fun outside of work. They also help team members get to know each other better and build stronger relationships. For example, a weekend getaway to a beach can be an excellent way for staff to bond and create a sense of community.

Employees returning from these trips often feel more connected to their coworkers and the restaurant. This connection can make them happier and more loyal to their job. Happy employees are less likely to leave, which can help reduce turnover.

However, organizing company trips can be challenging for small restaurants. They might struggle with the costs, and there could be other issues like disrupting daily operations or unequal participation among staff. Small restaurants need to carefully think about these factors before deciding to invest in such activities.

Alternative Solution to Reduce Restaurant Employee Turnover: EngageAny

There is another solution for small businesses that find company trips too expensive or difficult to manage. StaffAny offers a feature called EngageAny, designed to help improve employee motivation and reduce turnover without costly trips.

EngageAny focuses on non-financial rewards and gamification. This means giving employees recognition and rewards that do not involve money. Instead of cash bonuses, employees can earn rewards through fun challenges and activities. This approach helps create a positive work environment without spending much money. 

This is how EngageAny can foster recognition and fun work environments.

Recognition at Work

Recognition is a powerful way to keep employees motivated. Employees who feel that their efforts are noticed and appreciated are likelier to stay with the restaurant. EngageAny helps restaurant owners and managers recognize their staff in meaningful ways.

Employees can set up their challenges that align with the restaurant’s goals. For example, they might set a challenge to earn extra vacation days by achieving specific performance targets. This rewards their hard work and gives them a sense of ownership over their achievements.

Feeling appreciated and having clear goals can make employees more engaged and motivated. When they see that their hard work leads to rewards and recognition, they are more likely to stay with the restaurant and continue putting in their best effort.

Adding Fun Through Gamification

Another way to keep employees engaged is through gamification. Gamification means adding game-like elements to everyday tasks to make them more enjoyable. EngageAny includes these elements to make work more fun and less boring.

For new employees, this can be especially helpful. New hires often feel overwhelmed during their first few weeks. EngageAny allows managers to set up challenges for new employees to complete during their onboarding process. These challenges might involve finishing specific tasks within a certain timeframe.

Rewards for completing these challenges could include points that can be exchanged for items from a rewards catalog. This makes the onboarding process more engaging and helps new employees feel more excited about their job.

Benefits of EngageAny for Small Businesses

EngageAny is a great tool for small restaurants because it is affordable and easy to use. It helps create a positive work environment without needing large budgets for trips or other expensive activities. By focusing on recognition and gamification, EngageAny makes it possible to build a supportive and engaging workplace even with limited resources.

EngageAny lets you set gamification challenges and rewards to keep your employees engaged, motivated and feel appreciated for their hardwork

Using EngageAny can help restaurant owners improve staff morale and reduce turnover. When employees feel valued and motivated, they are more likely to stay and contribute to the restaurant’s success. A positive work culture, where employees feel appreciated and enjoy their work, is key to retaining good staff.


Reducing employee turnover in the restaurant industry requires more than just offering financial incentives. It involves creating a positive work culture, recognizing achievements, and making work enjoyable through gamification. StaffAny’s EngageAny feature provides the tools needed to achieve these goals. It helps build a supportive work environment where employees feel valued and motivated to stay.

Using EngageAny, restaurant owners can create a workplace where employees are happy and eager to contribute. This leads to lower turnover and a more successful restaurant. In the end, a happy and engaged team is the foundation for a thriving business.

To find out how EngageAny can keep your staff engaged and lower your turnover, contact us today or request a demo!

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